
Generic Overview

Bazar comes with a straightforward yet flexible and powerful media manager component both on the back-end and front-end. We can easily upload multiple files simultaneously – even bigger ones thanks to the chunked uploads – or search in existing files. Also, we can easily assign any medium to any model that uses the HasMedia trait.

You may also configure in the bazar.php config file, which disk should be used for storing the uploaded files. By default, it's public. You may also set the file chunk expiration.

If you decide to stick with the public disk, don't forget to run the php artisan storage:link command.

Bazar supports all the configured filesystem drivers.

The HasMedia trait

This trait does nothing more but defining a polymorphic relation between the Medium and the target model.

use Bazar\Concerns\HasMedia;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Post extends Model
    use HasMedia;


After we set up our model, we can easily attach media models to our model, in this case to the Post model:

$post = Post::first();

// Attach
$post->media()->attach([1, 2, 3]);

// Retrieve
$medium = $post->media->first();

The Media Manager

The manager is a globally registered Vue component. You can also set two attributes on the component, the v-model and the multiple attributes:

<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" @click.prevent="$">
    Select media
<media-manager ref="media" v-model="media" multiple></media-manager>

Note, if you omit the multiple attribute, the manager allows you to select only one file.

Also, you may want to use the manager as a form field. To do so, just use the form-media component which is a wrapper around the manager. However it provides error handling, displays the selected media items and so on.

<data-form action="/posts/1" :data="post" #default="form">
    <form-input name="title" label="Title" v-model="form.fields.title"></form-input>
    <form-media name="media" multiple v-model=""></form-media>


You can define conversions to the uploaded images. This means after an image is uploaded, behind the scenes, Bazar generates, for example, resized and cropped versions that you can easily access using the Medium model.

Managing Conversions

You may register or remove conversions in one of your service providers:

use Bazar\Conversion\Image;
use Bazar\Support\Facades\Conversion;

public function boot(): void
    Conversion::register('custom-resize', function (Image $image) {
        $image->resize(1000, 600);

    Conversion::register('custom-crop', function (Image $image) {
        $image->crop(300, 300);


Using Conversions

You can easily access the conversions of a medium model by using their URL and path functions:

use Bazar\Models\Medium;

$medium = Medium::find(1);

// Get the URL of the original file or the given conversion

// Get the relative path of the original file or the given conversion

// Get the full path of the original file or the given conversion

Note, in the case of using an external driver like S3, the fullPath() method will return the URL of the file. If the local driver is used, the file path will be used.

Conversion Drivers

Mostly the basic resizing, cropping, and compressing mechanism is enough. But not every shop has the same needs when it's about image, photo, or graphics handling. For example, if you or your client wants to sell high-quality visuals, Bazar's basic image management may not be enough.

Like in the case of payment gateways and shipping methods, you may define your custom driver that manages conversions:

use App\Services\CustomConversionDriver;
use Bazar\Support\Facades\Conversion;

Conversion::extend('custom', function ($app) {
    return new CustomConversionDriver(


To clear up the expired file chunks, you may call the php artisan bazar:clear-chunks command. You may call this command from the scheduler to automate the cleanup process:

// app/Console/Kernel.php

protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule)