Release Note v0.3

Bazar v0.3 is released. Let's walk through the most important things about this release.

It contains a bunch of fixes and new features. For the complete list of changes, please read the changelog.

Attribute Bags

Attribute bags have been added to Bazar. In fact, they have cast JSON fields on models. Using attribute bags is a nice way to provide a clean approach to set/get data. It solves the documented temporary variable issue.

use Bazar\Proxies\Product as ProductProxy;

$product = ProductProxy::query()->first();

$product->inventory->sku = 'ZKY800';


Cart Improvements

The locking mechanism has been added to the cart drivers. When you want to lock a customers cart – for example when checking out – you can easily do it with the new API.

use Bazar\Support\Facades\Cart;



When a cart is locked, the cart contents and properties cannot be changed using the Cart facade.